Monday, December 30, 2013

Holiday in Busan!

대학 때문에 이제 대구를 떠나게 됐어요  원하던 패션디자인과에 합격했답니다
가족을 떠나서 사는 건 처음이에요
Now I have to leave my home Daegu for university. 
I was accepted by Fashion Design that I desired
It`s my first time living apart from family

크리스마스에 가족들과 부산으로 여행을 갔습니다
해운대에 갔는데, 바다가 참 예뻤어요!
This Christmas, I went on a trip to Busan with my family
We went to haeundae beach, the sea was so beautiful!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

NEW Friend!

새 친구가 생겼어요!
I have new friend!
Sony NEX-5T랍니다
It is Sony NEX-5T

기분이 너무 좋아요  이제 더 예쁜 사진 많이 보여줄게요!
really awesome  I will show you more gorgeous photographs!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Come Back

드디어 수능이 끝났네요 1년동안 열심히 달렸습니다
긴장을 너무 많이 한 탓에 노력한만큼 좋은 결과 나왔는지는 잘 모르겠어요
그래도 다 끝났으니 이제 새로운 시작입니다!
훨씬 더 업그레이드된 안나의 모습을 만날 수 있을 거에요
곧 다시 만나요!

The final exam is over! I really studied hard this year
I can't have confidence in good result, because I excessively felt nervous
But everything is over, now its my new beginning!
You can meet more fantastic version of Anna
See you soon!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Anna+School Life : Graduation Yearbook and Cherry Blossoms

우선, 한동안 포스팅을 하지 못해 미안해요
이제 나는 졸업반이고, 대학 진학을 위해 공부하고 있어요
매일 아침 일곱시 반까지 학교에 가서 밤 열한시가 되어야 집에 온답니당
학교 생활을 피곤하지만 그래도 재미...있나? ㅋㅋㅋ
First, I'm so sorry that I didn't posting for a while
Now I'm in graduating class so I studying for college admissions
I go to school at 7:30 AM and come back to home 11 PM everyday of the week
School life is really tired but little ....funny? haha

오늘은 학교에서 졸업 앨범 사진을 찍었어요
학교 친구들과 상큼한 하루를 보내서 기분이 좋아요
내가 좋아하는 벚꽃도 피어서 더 그랬고요
Today, I took a picture of the school yearbook at my school
I had a great time with my classmates and the cherry blossoms, my favorite, are in full bloom!
it was really amazing time for me

Hope you enjoy it!

My lovely classmates!

윤정이랑 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀여운녀석
with YoonJeong  
she is so cute and funny really funny
with HyeSu!
with YoonJeong and JuWon

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Anna+Fashion : Fashion Culture Camp

저는 지난 1월에 한국패션산업연구원에서 주최한 패션문화캠프에 참가했어요
이미지메이킹, 커스텀티셔츠만들기, 럭셔리브랜드스토리, 롤모델아우인형만들기, 커스텀슈즈만들기, 미니패션쇼 등 다양한 체험을 했습니다
I participated "Fashion Culture Camp" which was held under the auspices of the Korea Research Institute For Fashion Industry(KRIFI) last January
And I have diverse experience like Image Making, Making Custom Tshirt, Luxury Brand Story, Making Rolemodel Awoo Doll, Making Custom Shoes, Mini Fashion Show and so on
거기서 내가 했던 체험들을 공유하려고 해요
Enjoy it!

제가 디자인한 티셔츠에요. 베네치아의 가면축제에서 모티프를 얻었어요. 거기 가본 적은 없지만, 제게 많은 영감을 줘요. 의도적으로 손의 모양과 가면의 형태를 비슷하게 디자인했어요. 패브릭 물감과 다양한 스터드, 핫픽스를 이용했어요.
I designed and made this Tshirt. The motif was Venis Carnival. I never been in the city, but pictures and costumes are great motivation to me. I intentionally made the similarity of shape between hand  and mask. And I use pabric colors, many types of stud and hotpix
이건 롤모델 아우인형이에요. 알아보려나 ...
오드리헵번인데.... 다들 코코샤넬이냐고.......
티파니에서 아침을 이라고!!
저 귀걸이랑 목걸이 진짜 귀걸이랑 목걸이임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This is Rolemodel Awoo doll. Who is she??
She is Audery Hepburn......but everybody said to me this is Coco Chanel.....
NO, This is Breakfast at Tiffany`s!
And those earrings and neckclace are 'real', not doll`s. hahaha
세상에 단 하나뿐인 슈즈!
패브릭물감을 이용해 꽃을 그렸어요. 그리고 일부러 배경색을 다르게해서 언밸런스한 느낌을 살렸습니당
Only one in the world!
I drew the flowers using pabric colors. And I painted background colors differently
At the mini Fashion Show!
그리고 앤디앤뎁과 뎁의 윤원정 디자이너님의 강의를 들었어요
And I have lecture of Debbie Yoon who is designer of 'Andy&Debb' and 'Debb'!
It was really Amazing!
My shoes and Awoo doll are on display!!
And I recieve the prize, really happy:D